Career Counseling

Are you considering a career change?

Are you graduating from school and want to explore career opportunities
and build a plan of action?

Do you need help building or enhancing your resume?

Career Counseling

Career Exploration is an empowering experience. Everyone has ideas about what they want and what they like to do. Some people can focus on moving in a new direction while others need to approach change with caution.

At Comprehensive Career Planning, we assist clients to discover, explore and figure out these new directions. Since each client is very unique, the actions and pace are very different. In our sessions, we clarify what is most important to each client. We look at and explore:

  • Past experiences and what was learned from them.

  • What to draw from specific experiences to help make decisions and choices to initiate next steps.

  • Interests, skills, abilities, personality types, values, and personal factors which will impact career decision-making.

  • How family, friends, and environment impact desires to move ahead and change.

We coach, counsel, teach, and advise. Our sessions are interactive and focused in order to help clients move forward in a timely manner.

Goals are established by the client and together, a plan of action is developed.


Resume writing is an opportunity to focus and gain clarity about goals and objectives. Resumes must be a reflection of a client's experiences, skills, abilities and accomplishments. We work together to clarify where you have been, what you have done, and most importantly, where you would like to go.

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